For Builders

Enhance Your Projects with uPVC Windows

Our uPVC windows are built to the highest standards of quality and precision, providing builders with the perfect solution to enhance their projects. With a wide range of customization options available.

Whether you're a large-scale developer or a custom home builder, our team has the expertise and resources to bring your uPVC window vision to life.

At our company, we specialize in providing high-quality uPVC windows that are suitable for a wide range of construction projects. Whether you're building premium apartments, individual homes, row houses, hospitals, schools, or colleges, we have the expertise and resources to create windows that meet your specific needs and budget. We pride ourselves on delivering our windows on time, providing quality installation services, and offering excellent after-sales support to ensure that you and your customers are completely satisfied. With our uPVC windows, you can be confident that you'll have happy customers and successful construction projects.

Quick project completion with uPVC.

At Fortunne Windows, we also prioritize on-time delivery to ensure builders meet their project timelines without compromising on quality, resulting in happy customers and repeat business opportunities.

Affordable quality uPVC windows.

As a builder, you can offer affordable, high-quality uPVC windows to your clients with our products. Our windows are built with German technology, superior materials and accessories, and precise installation, delivering long-lasting value in terms of functionality and style.

Quality assured with in-house fabrication.

Our in-house fabrication unit is equipped with advanced automated machinery and staffed by a team of experts with 20+ years of experience in uPVC product assembly, ensuring uncompromising consistency in product standards through stringent end-to-end quality checks.

German Precision windows

Fortunne's German precision windows are specially crafted for Indian climate and building requirements.

Universally chosen by engineers

Fortunne's windows are universally chosen by engineers for their high-quality and exceptional performance.

Ideal for High-rise Buildings

High-rise compatible windows with superior wind resistance, steel reinforcement, and top-quality hardware, exclusively from Fortunne.

Best choice for Apartments

Fortunne's windows offer superior soundproofing, energy efficiency, and low maintenance, making them the best choice for modern apartments.

Most trusted Brand

Fortunne is the most trusted brand in the construction industry, offering proven value, quality, and reliability across all segments.

Stamp of Trust

Our stamp of trust is built on superior quality, customization, fabrication, logistics, and precise installation for diverse industry segments.
What Our Clients Say

Our top priority is customer satisfaction, and we work closely with clients to understand their unique needs and goals.

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Years Experience
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Installations Completed
We are trusted by numerous esteemed organizations, earning their confidence through our exceptional products and services.
VGN Fortunne Happy Customer
S&S Foundation Fortunne Happy Customer
Navins Fortunne Happy Customer
MRF Fortunne Happy Customer
Joyalukkas Fortunne Happy Customer
Naruvi Fortunne Happy Customer

Brand of Choice for Architects and Builders

We take pride in being the ‘brand of choice’ for several builders and architects as they consider our windows add long-term value to their customers, both residential and commercial.

uPVC Doors
upvc windows
Bring your vision to life.

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