What maintenance is required for a UPVC casement door?

Modern Casement Doors

If you’re a homeowner with UPVC casement doors, you’ve made an excellent choice for aesthetics and functionality. To keep these doors in excellent shape, however, they need routine care just like any other component of your house does. In this article, we’ll delve into the essential maintenance tasks you must perform to keep your UPVC casement door looking and performing its best.


Cleaning Your UPVC Casement Door

Use a Mild Cleaning Solution

Regular cleaning is one of the most basic yet crucial steps in UPVC casement door maintenance. Warm water and a light detergent are combined to create a moderate cleaning solution. Avoid using abrasive or harsh chemicals, which can damage the UPVC material.


Gentle Scrubbing

Gently scrub the door’s surface using the cleaning solution with a soft cloth or sponge. Pay special attention to areas with stains or dirt buildup. A gentle circular motion should suffice to remove most stains.


Rinse Thoroughly

After cleaning, rinse the door thoroughly with clean water to remove any leftover detergent. Make sure all soap residue is washed away to prevent streaking.


Lubricating Hinges and Locks

Apply Silicone Lubricant

Lubricate the hinges and locks of your UPVC casement door to ensure smooth operation. Use a silicone-based lubricant, which is long-lasting and doesn’t attract dirt and dust.


Lubrication Points

Apply the lubricant to the following points:

  • Hinge pins
  • Lock mechanism
  • Handle mechanism

Operate the door several times after applying the lubricant to ensure it spreads evenly.


Inspecting Seals and Gaskets

Check for Wear and Tear

Inspect the seals and gaskets around the door frame for any signs of wear and tear. Damaged seals can lead to drafts and reduced energy efficiency.


Replace Damaged Seals

If you find any damaged seals or gaskets, replace them promptly. You can purchase replacement seals from hardware stores or contact the manufacturer for recommendations.


Regularly Adjust and Tighten Screws

Over time, the screws on your UPVC casement door may loosen due to usage and environmental factors. Periodically check and tighten all visible screws to maintain structural integrity.


Preventing Drafts and Leaks

To prevent drafts and leaks, ensure that the weather stripping around the door frame is intact and in good condition. Replace any worn-out weather stripping to maintain energy efficiency.



In conclusion, adequate maintenance is required to increase the lifespan and ensure your UPVC casement door operates effectively. Regular cleaning, lubricating hinges and locks, inspecting seals and gaskets, and tightening screws are simple tasks that can make a significant difference in the long-term performance of your door. You can prolong the usefulness of your UPVC casement door according to these maintenance recommendations.

Remember, a well-maintained door enhances your home’s aesthetic appeal and contributes to energy savings and overall comfort. So, invest a little time and effort in caring for your UPVC casement door, which will serve you faithfully for years.

At Fortunne Windows, we offer a huge variety of uPVC windows and doors at the best price and offer uPVC door & window repair services. 

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